Lindhe Xtend AB, which on this page is called Lindhe Xtend or we, takes seriously the personal integrity of our customers, our customers' customers and our employees.

Our goal is to make sure that your personal privacy is respected and that your personal information is processed correctly. We take responsibility for the privacy of personal data processed by Lindhe Xtend for use only for the purpose and protection against unauthorized access. All processing of personal data within Lindhe Xtend is in accordance with applicable privacy laws, ie the Data Protection Ordinance (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).

Security for the protection of personal data
Lindhe Xtend ensures a high level of security for your personal data and takes appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, modification, dissemination or destruction.

Limitation in disclosure of personal data
Lindhe Xtend does not disclose any personal information to anyone or sells it to third parties. All our subcontractors have personal data contract and deal with personal data in a safe and secure manner in accordance with the Data Protection Ordinance (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).

About personal data and GDPR
A personal data is all kind of information that can be attributed to a living natural person. Examples of personal data may be name, address and company as well as combinations of these.

Use of personal information

Lindhe Xtend is personally responsible for the information you provide as a customer. Your information is used to answer questions, manage orders and customer service, send invitations, and inform about news and inspiration. We also document the communication we have with you to provide you with the best possible service and to fulfill our commitments.
We ensure that the information we have kept is updated and that they are kept as long as they are relevant. Information is sent to third parties only if it is necessary for us to fulfill our commitments to you as a customer. You as a customer are entitled to receive information about which personal data we have recorded about you and how these data are used. You are also entitled to request that we correct or delete information about you.
If you have questions about how Lindhe Xtend handles your personal information, please contact Lindhe Xtends Data Protection Officer.
Via e-mail:
By post:
Lindhe Xtend AB
Olofsdalsvägen 40
302 41 Halmstad

Amendment of this privacy policy
Lindhe Xtend may, from time to time, make changes to this privacy policy. The latest version of the privacy policy is always available on Lindhe Xtend's website.

About cookies
We use cookies on our website, A cookie or cake is a small text file stored on your computer and containing information. It is used to facilitate the visitor and to access different functions.
Simplifies for you as a visitor
If you make any settings or choices on the site, information about it can be saved in the cookie. Next time you visit the same site, you will not need to redo these settings. Instead, the cookie announces that the visitor has been there earlier and what settings have been made. Cookies are therefore used for practical reasons to make it easier for you to visit us.
Two types of cookies
There are two types of cookies. The one is only stored temporarily and disappears when you close your browser. This type of cookie is used when you visit The other type is saved as a file on your computer for a long time and is used when you visit us again. We do not save any personal information via cookies. Information about the visitor can not be tracked.

If you want to turn off cookies
If you do not want any cookies, you can turn them off in your browser. You can also set up the browser so that you get a query every time the site tries to place a cookie on your computer. Through the browser, previously stored cookies can also be deleted. See the browser's help pages for more information.